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Welcome to OTAO

Occupational Therapy Association of Oregon

...where our mission is to strengthen the occupational

therapy profession through advocacy, education, and


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Welcome from our President!

Welcome to the OTAO website!

I've been a member of OTAO for many years, and I've served on the board in various capacities. I'm passionate about advocating for occupational therapists and the people we serve.

In my previous role as legislative chair, I helped to pass HB2618which requires the Oregon Department of Education to do a work study to look into workloads for occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech-language pathologists. This is a huge victory for our profession, and I'm proud to have played a role in making it happen.

I'm looking forward to working with our new board members and planning our annual conference. We have a great team of OTPs who are committed to serving OTAO and our consumers in Oregon.

I also want to take this opportunity to encourage everyone to become a member of OTAO. Your membership dues go directly to supporting our advocacy efforts. We need your help to make sure that occupational therapy is recognized and valued in Oregon.

Please consider connecting with the Occupational Therapy Association of Oregon and follow us to hear about all of the awesome advocacy work going on & for OT night Out events in Oregon.

If you're interested in joining the board or becoming a member, please visit our website at or email me at

Katie O'Day
President, OTAO

P.S. If you don't have the time to volunteer for the board, please still consider becoming a member. Your support is essential to our advocacy work!


November 15 & 16th, 2024

Linn Benton Community College OTA Program and Boulder Falls Inn 

Lebanon, OR

This is the official call for proposals for live presentations for the 2024 Occupational Therapy Association of Oregon (OTAO) Annual Conference!  The vision of the 2024 conference is to identify and celebrate all the avenues for Occupational Therapy to build community in Oregon. We have so many opportunities to build an inclusive and empowering community moving forward due to the exciting OT developments in our beautiful state. The committee is looking for presentations that are growth- and community-oriented and highlight emerging practices. All specialties are welcome. 

We are now soliciting a variety of one-hour, and two-hour presentations and posters that will complement and enhance a strong conference experience. The presentations may include single or multiple presenters. Formats may vary from traditional lecture sessions with one or more presenters to short-form case presentations such as complicated patient cases, or brief research platforms.  The committee is open to hearing unique ideas. 

Presenter DEI Responsibility
OTAO continues its work in demanding a community and society that is equitable and inclusive while celebrating its diversity. In the pursuit of this effort, we acknowledge the responsibility of each presenter to do the same. OTAO requests that each presenter includes discussion considerations and variables of diversity, equity, and inclusion that are relative to their discussion. Each presenter may request a free consultation with the OTAO DEI team to ensure they are able to meet this responsibility:

The OTAO Conference Committee will evaluate and select proposals that are relevant to the scope of occupational therapy (foundational knowledge, service delivery, and professional issues).  Please note that your submission is on a volunteer basis and if selected, OTAO will not be able to give an honorarium. Oregon OT practitioners who present will receive two contact hours for their professional presentation (see OAR 339-020-0020).

If you would like to be considered to present, please complete and submit this form to by 11:59 pm July 7, 2024.  Presenters will be notified of acceptance by August 16, 2024. 

Click here to submit your proposal. Complete one form for each presentation you wish to submit.

Keep up to date on all things 2024 OTAO Conference via our website, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn

Questions?  Email at

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Phone:  (971) 266-4328     Address:   PO Box 86231, 5010 SE Foster Road, Portland, OR  97286

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